Harmful chemicals are just about everywhere you look.

When you go outside you have to navigate gross smog and steer clear of construction sites. When you go back inside you turn on your HVAC to clear up the air or crack open a window. Chemicals are, in a short, an inexorable part of living in a modern society. Does that mean there’s nothing you can do to keep your health (and the health of your loved ones) sound? Turns out there are a few things you can keep an eye on…with a little research!

For homeowners that want to paint a new baby room or fix up their porch, here are some important terms to keep in mind when purchasing products.

The Rise Of Chemical Sensitivities

Have you ever dealt with a runny nose or itchy eyes while cleaning the bathroom? What about sensitivities to perfume or dyes? Chemical sensitivities are very common in the United States, affecting everything from our physical health to our mental wellness. Not only can the wrong kind of paint in your home make it worse, it can introduce other illnesses in its wake. Just take a look at Sweden’s Dampness In Buildings And Health study — children with bedroom PGE concentrations in the top 25% had a 100% higher likelihood of having asthma and a 150% higher chance of having eczema.

Indoor Air Pollution And Its Complications

One reason why chemical sensitivities are so bad is due to rampant indoor air pollution. This phenomenon is caused by the accumulation of air contaminants beneath your roof, made worse from dirty carpets and poor ventilation. In fact, recent studies have proven indoor air pollution to be two to five times higher than outdoor air pollution. Searching for eco friendly primer won’t eliminate all your worries, but it will definitely do its part to curb these rates. This is especially true if you or your family have existing allergens.

Interesting Studies On Growing Allergens

Just how bad are allergies today? A recent study by the Survey Research Institute at Cornell University saw 60% of travelers choosing one hotel over the other based on allergen-free rooms. This same study also saw 85% of travelers stating they would choose one over all else if they had the option. Allergies are more than just a congested chest. They can actively impede your ability to think, introduce you to long-term illness, and generally make day-to-day life miserable.

Definition Of VOC And PGE

Finding the right non toxic wall paint means being aware of what you’re avoiding. According to a report by CBC Marketplace, VOC levels over 500 ppb can cause problems for people with already existing chemical sensitivities. This was taken further in a study by the TIEQ lab at the Syracuse Center Of Excellence. In this space VOC levels were reduced to around 50 micrograms per cubic meter and 40 cubic feet per minute of outdoor air — on average, participants saw a 100% increase in their cognitive abilities. This meant better short-term memory and better concentration, among other things.

Finding The Best Non Toxic Wall Paint

There’s a lot to gain when you invest in health-focused paints. You provide relief to family members suffering from chemical sensitivities while also keeping developing allergens at bay. You cut into harmful indoor air pollution that, according to statistics, is only getting worse. Flooring more than one year old will have many of the VOCs dissipated already. Despite that, it never hurts to double check the eco friendly glue or gloss varnish.

Non toxic wall paint goes a long way in prioritizing your health. Imagine how much better the life of you and your family could be with health-focused paints.

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